Equiderma Daily Defense Dry Shampoo

Sale price$41.95



Silky proteins from silkworm cocoons, lavender essential oil, chamomile flowers, neem leaves, pine bark, cherry bark, bentonite clay, witch hazel, arrowroot. All these skin-enhancing natural medicines carefully blended in a powerhouse base of baking soda, and corn starch? OH MY!
No time to wash your horse or your own hair? Out on the trail with a dirty, sweaty horse and no access to water? Dirty and sweaty from a good day of riding and need a boost for your own hair and body? Is the weather too cold for a bath? Equiderma’s got this! Our 100% active ingredient, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant formula is far more than just a dry shampoo. It calms hives, soothes sweet itch and insect bite hypersensitivity, and inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungus and dries up dermatophyte-based rain rot. Designed to improve the condition of the skin, for a shiny, glossy, healthy coat.

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