Redmond Rock Crushed

Sale price$27.99


Is your horse ignoring his salt lick and showing signs of dehydration or mineral deficiency?



Lick it with Redmond Rock Crushed. Our loose sea salt is packed with trace minerals and electrolytes that trigger your horse to drink and naturally bring him into mineral balance.


How does it work?

Equine health issues often begin with mineral deficiencies and dehydration. Redmond Rock is a perfect hydration trigger and provides the minerals and elements your horse needs to stay healthy. Redmond Rock Crushed makes it easy to vary the amount of salt and minerals your horse receives based on diet and activity levels.

Nature’s Essential Minerals

Redmond Rock Crushed brand natural equine minerals provide a perfect blend of essential trace minerals and electrolytes your horse needs to live a more healthy, balanced life.

Most horses are deficient in minerals. Today, even natural feeds lack nutrients. Redmond Rock Crushed plays an important role in providing the essential trace minerals missing from many natural forages.

Created by nature, Redmond Rock Crushed is natural mineral sea salt harvested from deep within the earth in Southern Utah. Redmond Rock contains more than 60 trace minerals.

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